⋆。°✩ lets get a pen, some paper and lets get going!
Bounce Infinite Animation
HAI my name is may and im the webmaster (is that whar you call it??) for this site ^^ im a 15 year old girl w a severe attachment problem to bachira and tamsy (i am enthralled by their insanity) and i felt like making a website a few days ago (at the time of making this) so i decided to go through with it,, coding was something i learnt a while back and just abandoned, so i blew off the dust and decide to do it again! because of that, the code here is messy and janky and MAYY not look normal on other browsers/devices (idk im just guessing) so forgive me! thank you to the MANY sites who helped with the creation of this (no not direct im too loser to talk to people i mean through resources and shit DOMT GET ME WRONG) because this site would look pretty plain without it...ill credit all the sites in a diff section so CHECK THEM OUT!!!1!! this site is always a wip, may randomly go ia, and has no aesthetic except from whatever im obsessed with. this was made on chrome on and idk x idk size screen (so helpful ikr!!!) SO keep that in mind THANK YOU FRO VISITING and happy browsing
margin-top + margin-left reliant since 1999
also twt oomfies if ur seeing this HELLO
this is where i write every waking moment of this sites evolution
update log
18:07 24/03/25

thanks to mini, the poll now works! check it out

20:47 23/03/25

forgot to type this down before but i have a chatbox now! type something if you want (pleas do....) (22:02 - added a poll!)

00:47 23/03/25

hello neocities do you welcme may...this is actually the 2nd version because halfway through making the first one i changed my mind and did a BIG 180 hope you liek my site welcome to brainrot misspelling "give me back my princess" (im going to say this a lot) (and use brackets a lot) central

⋆.˚𖦹⋆✮⋆.˚ from march 2025 to.....the end?? bachira.neocities.org ♡

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none of these are done yet...try later?
what cake is the best?
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